Thursday, November 24, 2011

Don't got balls? Atleast have the decency.

Have you ever had that someone you thought you're going to have a really great relationship with? That one person who constantly talks to you no matter how busy and tiring their day was? That person who by any chance made you feel like you're the most important person to him and nothing else mattered (aside from his family) but--YOU? That person who wanted to hug you, kiss you and be with you every day? That person who constantly misses you 24/7? Who makes drama in a joking way whenever you fail to reply to his messages on chat/texts? Who makes you smile and the list goes on but now.. he's gone with the wind and how you wish time stood still for the both of you? AAND wished you can bring back the old times?
I HAD THAT. I lost him without me knowing it. OH, scratch that! I never lost him, coz HE WAS NEVER MINE TO BEGIN WITH. He became a part of my everyday. When we drifted a part just recently.. I always had this urge to chat him up and check if he's doing oky. Up until today I'm having that urge but at least I'm awesome (hehe!) enough not to! :))  You see, I never wanted he and I to end up being strangers again. Like we never shared something special. Coz right now.. I can't really say I'm hurting and I'm not really jealous of his new girl. Oky, the girl's really pretty and I'm having thoughts that maybe that's the reason why he chose her over me and the rest is history. Going back.. I just wished he had the balls to tell me that he lost interest in me and found someone better. That would've saved me from all the anxiety! It sucks being left hanging in dead air! I have no hard feelings or whatsoever but I know you get me, right? :| Nobody deserves to be left hanging in the middle of nowhere.. So to all you people out there, especially boys.. Please, have the decency to let that person know that you're leaving. At least they won't wait around looking like retards waiting for something impossible to happen. 

I'm not being bitter and all, but I'm just trying to emphasize the thing you should've done. At least we kind of avoided this thing. Coz right now, I'm noticing you're avoiding me like a plague. I know she's pretty and she's the girl of your dreams and I know you're already happy now with her and I have no problem with that. Although we all know that at the very back of my mind that would've been me if life weren't so messed up. Don't worry though, I'll be a better me for you and of course. for myself and for the one who truly deserves me. :)

If there's one thing I learned from that experience, life's uncertainty will attack you any moment of the day so enjoy and savor the moment while it lasts and if the time comes that, that certain moment has to end.. have the courage to let it go and smile to yourself and remind yourself that someday, someone's gonna come along and make you realize why the other one never worked out. <3

Toodles! xx

Love Always,

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